Factory girl
A película termina e um suspiro genalizado ecoa pela geométrica sala de cinema do Monumental. 99 miunutos depois,o coração volta a bombear, os pulmões a insuflar e a tudo retorna ao normal actual. É como se a vida parasse e o tempo recuasse a 1965 when Andy Warhol met Edie e por momentos fizessemos parte da ascensão e da queda da personagem excelentemente representada pela maravilhosa sienna miller. Muito bom figurino, fotografia e argumento, aconselha-se.
O próximo a ver será o “2 days in Paris” com a igualmente maravilhosa July Delpy.

Andy Warhol: I wonder if people are going to remember us?
Edie Sedgwick: What, when we're dead?
Andy Warhol: Yeah.
Edie Sedgwick: Well I think people will talk about how you changed the world.
Andy Warhol: I wonder what they'll say about you... in your obituary. I like that word.
Edie Sedgwick: Nothing nice, I don't think.
Andy Warhol: No no, come on. They'd say, "Edith Minturn Sedgwick: beautiful artist and actress...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and all around loon.
Andy Warhol: ...Remembered for setting the world on fire...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and escaping the clutches of her terrifying family...
Andy Warhol: ...Made friends with eeeeverybody, and anybody...
Edie Sedgwick: ...creating chaos and uproar wherever she went. Divorced as many times as she married, she leaves only good wishes behind. [laughs]
Edie Sedgwick: That's nice, isn't it?

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