A língua dos sentimentos

"AMO-TE is the portuguese word for I LOVE YOU.Many portuguese believe it’s easier to say I LOVE YOU rather than AMO-TE and they’re right.AMO-TE is much stronger and heavier. Like a punch in the heart.It could never be used as it is in English or French: “I would love togo to New York”, “J’aime beaucoup les crêpes”.It is much too powerful.Maybe that’s why it’s so beautiful.And then the written word. I love every letter in it and the way they link together. M between A and O. The balance of TE. The horizontal line broken by the ascending T.And the spoken word… It’s beautiful when you say “amo-te”, and then you don’t say anything else, because you can’t. And I love its sound.And the sound of the rest of the silence."

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